Hi! I'm Madison Waggoner,
Advanced Ayurvedic Practitioner,
Yoga and Meditation Teacher.
My passion is to inspire individuals to take ownership of their well-being, and to live a radiant and purposeful life.
My initial interest in wellness began at a very young age. One of my first memories was sitting on our kitchen counter packing my own lunch for kindergarten - the lunch included food from each of the recommended categories on the (then) food pyramid.
In my college days, I realized that my inner drive to “succeed” took me straight to mental overwhelm. One semester, I planned philanthropic events and a major fundraiser. This was in addition to a packed class schedule studying business management, entrepreneurship and nutrition. Yoga invited me out of my busy mind and into feeling/sensing my physical body. It also opened me to the exploration of spirituality. I felt connected to a deeper meaning and purpose in life. At that point, yoga became an integral part of my life.
Continual stress and anxiety affected my hormones and digestive system. I stopped getting my period and at the same time deep, cystic acne appeared all over my face. I went on birth control because I was diagnosed with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and after hitting rock bottom with my skin, I finally went on accutane for 8 months. The accutane resolved a majority of the acne and birth control made me believe that I was getting a period monthly, but neither solution got to the root cause. The acne came back within a few months. I also learned that birth control was not a solution to heal PCOS - it was a bandaid approach.
A few months later, I learned about Ayurveda during yoga teacher training. My life was forever changed! The ancient wisdom taught me about my mind and body type, and I began to incorporate diet, exercise, lifestyle, self-care techniques that were meant for me. Not only did my digestion and acne improve dramatically, but my cycle also became regular and comfortable. I created a new relationship with myself. I beamed with a newfound mind, body, and spiritual wellness!
Fast forward 10 years and Ayurvedic wisdom has continued to be a well of healing wisdom in the life-changing transition to motherhood. The resilience and intuition cultivated both studying and living Ayurveda has served me time and time again. I had two starkly different births. Our first son was born beautifully at home. Two days after the birth I developed Bell’s palsy. By using ancient wisdom I was able to heal the facial paralysis within three weeks.
With our second son, we planned another home birth with lots of support to create more ease and rest immediately after birth. The birth did not go according to plan and we had a highly medicalized birth. We were in and out of the hospital as I started preterm labor which stopped (onset by a virus) and a few days later I was induced because I had developed cholestasis of pregnancy, a liver disorder, as a complication of the virus which is resolved by delivery. Our son was born healthy and well and I was, too. However, a few days after he was born he developed viral meningitis. We had a few week NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) stay while he was fighting for his life. And through all of the trauma, Ayurveda remained steady. I kept myself grounded, nourished and open to a painfully deep transformation. Thinking outside the box, I also used the wisdom of Ayurveda to support our son’s healing.
All to say, that my path leads me to support women. In the most vulnerable and difficult times of life. I serve women who are preparing for pregnancy, who are pregnant and postpartum. Women who struggle with hormone balance and digestive issues. Women who intuitively know there is a more refined and holistic approach to boost their well-being and resilience because your healing journey is unlike anyones.
Ayurveda is highly intelligent, powerful, and a completely natural healing system. It is built to accommodate different mind-body types because the same approach will not work for everybody. I am thrilled and honored to share this empowering ancient wisdom with you on your journey!
Shri Wellness
Shri is a Sanskrit word which means diffusing light, radiance and beauty. When you radiate so does your community!
My mission is to empower individual and community well-being.
My vision is a world where individuals live with purpose, experience joy and mindfully co-exist.
“As within, so without.”
It Starts with You!
When you are aware and purposeful of how you live, eat, sleep, breathe, exercise and connect with others then you diffuse light and radiance. Your choices begin to align with good for all.
“Working with Madison has provided me with all the support I have needed on my healing journey. Not only is she incredibly knowledgeable but also patient with a compassionate ear. Her holistic approach to healing has helped me redesign my eating and lifestyle habits. I could not offer enough positive words and gratitude to do justice for her services.”
Spread the Light
When you radiate and feel well, others take notice. Your light shines bright from within, and thus sparks other individuals. The snowball effect ignites a happy, healthy community.
Are you ready to align your life with your highest self while positively impacting your community?
Reach out today to share your story!
Ayurveda, Yoga and Meditation have helped me on my journey, and I know they can help you, too.
Let's work together to achieve the mind, body, and spiritual well-being you've been looking for.
Ayurveda Practitioner Certification through New World Ayurveda in 2016
Advanced Ayurvedic Practitioner Certification through Ayurved Sadhana in 2022
200 Hour Registered Yoga Teacher through Karma Yoga Center in 2013 - now recognized as E-RYT 200
Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders: Components of Care Certificate of Completion through Postpartum Support International in 2024
Professional Member, Colorado Ayurvedic Medical Association
Professional Member, Association of Ayurvedic Professionals of North America
Dual Bachelor's Degree in Business Management, Entrepreneurship with a Nutrition Minor through The University of Arizona